Resolute Donates Over $65K to Local Organizations
Resolute Forest Products donated a total of $65,000 to two different efforts to provide support during the COVID-19 Pandemic. According to Canadian Forest Industries, Resolute donated $40,000 to United Way Centraide Canada in Montreal (where Resolute is headquarted), and the pulp and paper, sawmill, and woodlands operations in Thunder Bay, ON have donated $25,000 to the Thunder Bay COVID-19 Community Response Fund, operated by the United Way of Thunder Bay and the Thunder Bay Community Foundation. As well, the mill also donated 500 P95 masks to the city’s emergency services. (Source: CFI)
Williams & White Now Making PPE
When COVID-19 first hit the media, Williams & White, a BC-based saw filing equipment manufacturer, began produce personal protective equipment. “My brother and I were thinking, ‘Holy crow there are a lot of front line workers struggling and they need barriers,’” says CEO Justin William, who runs the company with brother Matt, according to Canadian Forest Industries.
Williams & White offer three types of PPE: a COVID-19 Face Shield, a COVID-19 Protective Shield, and COVID-19 Hand Sanitizer. The face shield is hardhat and non-hardhat compatible. For more information, visit
West Fraser Lumber Mill Donates N-95 Masks
West Fraser Lumber Mill is among Canadian Companies working to support the communities they live and work around. In mid-April, the company donated 1,000 N95 masks to British Columbia’s Northern Health Authority and Alberta Health Services.
“Right now, we all need to do what we can. We hope these additional masks make a difference to those that need them to protect lives,” says Keith Carter, Vice-President of Pulp and Energy Operations, in a statement, “We have a responsibility to do everything we can to help meet our communities’ most vital health care needs. We all rely on healthcare workers and first responders, and we are proud to do what we can to help keep them safe.”
According to West Fraser, in donating the masks to the health authorities, they can distribute them to where they are needed most. The N95 masks are used in some of West Fraser’s facilities to meet operational health and safety requirements. Mills have reviewed their requirements and facilities in Williams Lake, Slave Lake, and Quesnel have donated N95 mask supplies that can be made available to help meet health care needs.
EACOM donates N95 Masks to Healthcare Workers
EACOM Timber Corporation donated over half of its N95 mask supply to health organisations in Northern Ontario.
“We recognize that global and local supply chains have been challenged during the COVID-19 crisis and that the medical and first responder communities are facing shortages. It is our privilege to share what supplies we can all the while ensuring that our employees are properly protected,” said EACOM President and CEO Kevin Edgson in an online statement. “We operate in tightly knit communities who have always come together to support each other in times of need, and this is no different”.
On their website, EACOM states, “Safety comes first, second, and third at EACOM and numerous measures have been put in place across all sites of operation to ensure adequate hygiene and social distancing to protect employees as they continue to produce essential goods.”
FPAC Members Donate Over $530,000 in Cash
Donations Around Canada
According to the latest figures from the Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC), companies from coast to coast have donated $530,000 to hospitals, food banks, COVID-19 response, shelters, and volunteer organizations across Canada. In the same report, FPAX notes that other donations include N95 masks, meals for transportation professionals, respirators, and containers.
A statement on FPAC’s website reads:
“In the forest and in our communities, a crisis for one is a crisis for all. Canadians can be assured that the people of our industry will continue to be there for them to provide the essential products and services that will sustain our communities through this turbulent period. It’s #ForestryTogether – and it’s what we do.” (Source:
MAC, FPAC, CIAC Head Initiative to Donate to Food Banks
To help Canadians in need, 18 national and regional industry associations and partners came together on April 9 to donate $36,000 to Canada’s food banks.
“The initiative spearheaded by the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC), Forest Products Association of Canada (FPAC), and the Mining Association of Canada (MAC), also encourages participation from association staff members who have the means to support,” said MAC President and CEO Pierre Gratton in a press release.
“This is such a difficult time for so many families in Ottawa and across the country. We are all trying to find the most meaningful ways to pitch in and help,” said CIAC President and CEO Bob Masterson.
In addition to the three associations, the initiative has received report from:
• Association Québécoise du Propane
• Business Council of Canada
• Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers
• Canadian Finance and Leasing Association
• Canadian Fuels Association
• Canadian Gas Association
• Canadian Natural Gas Vehicles Association
• Canadian Propane Association
• Canadian Real Estate Association
• Canadian Wood Council
• Chamber of Marine Commerce
• Fertilizer Canada
• Railway Association of Canada
• Retail Council of Canada
• The Portage Group
“We thank our partners across so many different industries for their support,” said FPAC President and CEO Derek Nighbor.
Vale Launches a COVID-19 Challenge to Inspire Safety Solutions
Mining company Vale has launched a fund to invite businesses, institutions, and professionals to expand solutions against COVID-19, with a one million dollar fund to support the effort.
“We want to accelerate solutions that minimize the impacts of COVID-19 on our society,” Vale says on their website, focusing on areas from risk monitoring, prevention, to patient monitoring. There is also an open challenge category,
which covers projects not covered by the theme.
Winners were announced on the fifth of May, and include sterilizing boxes, hemodynamic monitoring, and an online therapy platform.
The initiative received 1,858 proposed solutions. To see more, you can go to
De Beers Group Donates to Women’s Shelters
Diamond company De Beers Group announced they would donate $200,000 across its four partner countries of Botswana, Canada, Nambia, and South Africa to respond to an increase in gender-based violence, which has increased as COVID-19 spread across
the globe.
According to a news release, De Beers Group’s funding will support the capacity of women’s shelters and organisations in host communities to meet the increase in immediate needs, as well as beyond lockdown periods. De Beers Group is working with local stakeholders in each country, including its long-term partner, UN Women, to tailor an approach that is appropriate to local contexts.
“De Beers Group has a longstanding commitment to support women and girls in the communities where we operate,” says Bruce Cleaver, CEO, De Beers Group and UN Women HeForShe Thematic Champion, “and right now many need this support more than ever. The funding we are providing will assist women’s support organisations to continue delivering critical services to survivors of gender-based violence during the current situation, and help protect against it in the future.”
Newmont Musselwhite Donates $200,000 Dollars to Boost Local Supports
Newmont Musselwhite, located north of Thunder Bay, donated $200,000 to boost local efforts combatting COVID-19. Of this donation, $170,000 will go to purchase and transport supplies, food, and other essentials required by First Nation communities; $30,000 to support the Thunder Bay COVID-19 Community relief fund, established by the United Way of Thunder Bay and the Thunder Bay Community Foundation.
In an article published by Net News Ledger, Don Burke, General Manager of Musselwhite mine said, “The health and safety of our staff and host communities takes precedence above all else. In light of the challenges our First Nation communities are experiencing obtaining much-needed supplies, as well as the economic and social impacts being felt in Thunder Bay, we want to do our part to support those most in need.”
Teck Creates $20 Million Dollar Fund to Support COVID-19 Response
On April 16, Teck Resources Ltd. announced a $20 million dollar support fund to help COVID-19 response and recovery efforts. The funding will support social initiatives and increase healthcare capacity, as well as procure one million masks to be donated
to healthcare.
In a company press release, Don Lindsay, Teck President and CEO said, “The global health crisis posed by COVID-19 is unlike anything previously faced by companies, by families, and by communities. The scope and severity of this pandemic requires all of us to step up and do our part.”
In addition to the mask contribution, donations from the fund include investment in local healthcare organizations, particularly those dedicated to indigenous communities; investment in copper to support infection control and prevention; a contribution to the Canadian Red Cross; and support for medical research programs for targeted drug discovery.